在荷蘭的安全意識周(11月9日至15日),總部位于荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的Notified Body Liftinstituut制作了一段視頻,視頻中年輕的父親Reinout講述了一起涉及他4歲兒子Ezra的事件。他兒子的手臂曾被電梯門夾住。Reinout說在那個時刻,感覺世界都崩潰了。他說:“是的,手臂被卡住了,但自己卻無能為力,只會剩下慌張。”為防止類似事件再次發生,Liftinstituut在其網站上發布了一個視頻,教導兒童安全使用電梯的方法。兒童心理學家Tischa Neve指出:“對幼兒來說,電梯的存在具有神奇的吸引力,這也是為什么他們必須從小就學會安全地使用它們。”她繼續講解如何教育孩子乘坐電梯時的安全提示。
To mark Safety Awareness Week (November 9-15), Amsterdam, Netherlands-based Notified Body Liftinstituut produced a video in which a young father, Reinout, recounts an incident involving his 4-year-old son, Ezra, whose arm became trapped in an elevator door. "At a moment like that, the world collapses," Reinout says. "Yes, the arm is stuck, and there's not much you can do, so you definitely feel a bit of panic." To prevent such incidents in the future, Liftinstituut offers a section on its website with tips on teaching children to use elevators safely. Child psychologist Tischa Neve notes, "Lifts have a magical attraction for young children," which is why they must learn to use them safely from an early age. She goes on to explain the best ways to talk to children about staying safe when riding an elevator.