據有關新聞10月26日的報道,英國倫敦地鐵系統的自動扶梯中,有25%的自動扶梯扶手上裝有紫外線(UV)照明設備,可殺死諸如冠狀病毒等微生物。ClearWin是Aseptic Ltd.發明的一種自動供電的消毒器,通過UV-C光波進行消毒。該設備首先在希思羅T123地鐵站進行測試。結果,倫敦運輸系統決定繼續在其他站點安裝這些設備,計劃要求將該設備安裝在系統最繁忙的站點的110臺自動扶梯上。倫敦運輸系統已經通過這種方法開始測試自動扶梯中是否存在冠狀病毒,希望該設備能夠鼓勵人們在搭乘扶梯過程中放心握住扶手。
Handrails on about 25% of the London Underground's escalators are being fitted with ultraviolet (UV) light devices to kill microbes, such as the coronavirus, Ian Visits reported on October 26. Aseptic Ltd.'s ClearWin, a self-powered sterilizer that uses the UV-C light wavelength to kill microbes, was tested at the Heathrow T123 Tube station and, as a result, Transport for London (TfL) decided to move forward with installing them at other stations. Plans call for the device to be fitted on 110 escalators at some of the system's busiest stations. TfL, which has been testing its escalators for the presence of the coronavirus, said it hopes the devices will encourage people to hold the handrails.