10月21日蒂森克虜伯電梯公司宣布,其已在科威特國家銀行(NBK)的新總部安裝了25臺垂直運輸設備,其中包括10套TWIN電梯系統。科威特國家銀行總部建筑高300米,有63層,位于科威特市中心,其設計讓人聯想到珍珠和貝殼。它是該國的第二高建筑,也是該國第一座使用蒂森克虜伯電梯TWIN系統的摩天大樓。通過兩個在單個豎井內獨立移動的轎廂,TWIN系統能在減少能源消耗的同時,最有效地利用可用空間。科威特國家銀行獲得了“能源和環境設計領導力金獎”的認證,是科威特首家達到該標準的人。除TWIN系統外,蒂森克虜伯還提供了12臺常規電梯,其中一些以6 m / s的速度運行,1臺全景電梯和2臺自動扶梯。其提供的電梯設備均配備了AGILE目的層控制系統。另外,蒂森克虜伯還與之簽訂了為期五年的維護合同,讓建筑物所有者隨時隨地獲得技術人員的支持。
thyssenkrupp Elevator has installed 25 vertical-transportation (VT) units in the new headquarters of the National Bank of Kuwait (NBK), including 10 of its TWIN elevator systems, the company announced on October 21. The 300-m-tall, 63-story NBK building, with a design reminiscent of a pearl and shell, stands in the heart of Kuwait City. It is the second-tallest in the country and the country's first skyscraper to use thyssenkrupp Elevator's TWIN system, which uses two cabins that move independently within a single shaft. TWIN allowed the building's designers to make the most efficient use of available space while using less energy. NBK is certified to the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold rating, among the first in Kuwait to achieve that standard. In addition to the TWIN systems, thyssenkrupp supplied 12 conventional elevators — some traveling up to 6 m/s — one panoramic elevator and two escalators. The VT system uses the company's AGILE destination-control system. thyssenkrupp Elevator has a five-year maintenance contract that gives the building owners access to a standby technician.