據9月4日的報道,位于加利福尼亞州圣安塞爾莫市的民權法集團中的律師,代表4名黑人技工對其雇主三菱電機(美國)提起訴訟。該雇主位于加利福尼亞州賽普拉斯。加利福尼亞州最高法院受理此案并按其要求進行陪審團審判,該訴訟還確定了三菱電機(美國)的幾名主管和員工。案件起訴在2016年,舊金山灣區的各個工作地點都發生了種族騷擾與歧視的事件,并且稱幾名主管和人力資源代表均知悉該事件和行為但并沒有采取解決措施。訴訟并未說明賠償金額。三菱電機(美國)首席運營官兼執行副總裁Michael Corbo在一份聲明中表示,公司“不容忍騷擾、歧視或報復事件的發生”,并針對此類行為制定了嚴格的政策,提供了相關的培訓。他說,公司鼓勵員工發現問題并立即上報,支持徹查此類事件。該聲明還提到,公司此前對員工提出的所有投訴都展開了調查,并采取了及時恰當的行動。由于涉及員工隱私,三菱電機(美國)拒絕就此案的細節發表評論。
Attorneys with San Anselmo, California-based Civil Rights Law Group filed a lawsuit on behalf of four black mechanics against their employer, Mitsubishi Electric US, Inc., based in Cypress, California, on September 4. Filed in the Superior Court of the State of California and demanding a jury trial, the lawsuit also identifies several Mitsubishi Electric US, Inc. supervisors and employees. It alleges racial harassment and discrimination dating back to 2016, and contends supervisors and human resources representatives were aware of incidents and behaviors — said to have taken place on jobsites throughout the San Francisco Bay Area — and failed to address them. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages. Mitsubishi Electric US, Inc. Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President Michael Corbo said in a statement the company “does not tolerate harassment, discrimination or retaliation” and has strong policies against and provides training on such practices. He said the company encourages employees to report issues immediately and investigates reports thoroughly. “The company previously investigated all complaints these employees raised to the company and took prompt action as appropriate,” the statement said, declining to comment on specifics of the case due to employee privacy rights.